Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Entrance

A really interesting drive today from Port Macquarie to The Entrance.  We took the coast road where we could, bypassed Newcastle, and left the motorway early to travel into The Entrance from the coast road.  As we passed Harrington, we dropped in to see Peta and Dennis Levings.  They have a lovely home by the river and it was great to see them both.  The river has plenty of sharks, so they have constructed a swimming pool in their back yard where Peta can swim when she wants.  Dennis is not too mobile because he has recently had a spinal fusion operation and is still in pain.  Peta sends her warm wishes to all of our children, and finds it hard to believe that they have grown up so much!  
Our accommodation here is a motel, so we have just the bare bones as to be expected in a motel.  The plus is that we have the ocean's waves breaking just below our balcony, which should provide us with a restful night's sleep after a long day of driving.

View from our balcony just after arriving.

A little later as the sun was beginning to set.  The lilac sky on the horizon was very beautiful.

After dark, with lights shining on the water and the small beach.

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