Monday, August 4, 2014

Port Macquarie (2)

Enjoyed the tranquility of the Sea Acres Rainforest Centre, where there is an elevated rainforest loop boardwalk.  Seniors' discount again!!  There was a very good little cafe there with a French chef, so lunch was delicious with pâté included.
We then visited Roto House Historic Site where there is an 1890's homestead which has been completely renovated.  All of the rooms were set up as they were when the property was a home for the Flynn family.  It is now protected by the National Trust.
At the same site nearby is the only Koala Hospital in the world.  Every afternoon there is a "Feed, Walk and Talk" tour.  This is where sick or injured koalas are brought for assessment and treatment.  Conditions ranged from attacks by dogs, being hit by cars, bush fires, chlamydia, other infections, and dehydration.  One which cannot be released into the wild has only 3 legs (amputated) and one eye after infection.  I did not know that a koala's front feet have two thumbs and three fingers, all with very strong claws.  This centre does wonderful work, with the help of donations and a local voluntary vet plus about 150 volunteers who work at the hospital.  One of the biggest jobs is to go into the bush very early in the morning to collect fresh leaves for the patients and boarders.

The beautifully tranquil rainforest boardwalk.  There were many signs with information about species along the route.

Roto house

A contended "patient" in the hospital.

Koalas are fed medication and lactose-free liquid with a syringe.  Some love it whilst a few are not too keen.

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