Friday, August 8, 2014

Port Macquarie (5)

More strawberry picking today (we have already eaten the previously picked bucket).  
Then some shopping for supplies for dinner, packing for our departure tomorrow morning.  Leaving here must be grudgingly accepted, because the apartment is excellent and the town and surrounding area has provided us with a very enjoyable week.
Went for a sentimental walk beside the river in the late afternoon, and watched surfers in the ocean and dolphins breaking the surface in the river.

Oyster outlet at Port Macquarie which did not sell unopened or large oysters.  We have been spoiled by previous purchases at Ballina!

Skateboard area near the river, where youngsters were showing amazing skill on scooters, bicycles, skateboards, and roller skates.  Their talents demonstrate that many hundreds of hours of practice have gone into their expertise.

An evening walk along the broad water gave us this view on our last night in Port Macquarie.

Impressive statue near the Hastings river of Sir Edmund Barton.  He was the first Prime Minister of Australia in 1901, then resigned in 1903 to take a position as a judge of the High Court.

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