Thursday, August 7, 2014

Port Macquarie (4)

Spent some time at the Historical Museum, which is an excellent display of the early days of Port Macquarie when it was founded as a convict settlement with a very large gaol.  The collection of old uniforms, chains, irons, guns, cat 'o nine tails, and models of convicts and soldiers was extremely moving and informative.  There were many written placards telling of the pain and loneliness of the convicts, and even a folder containing the names and "crimes" committed by every inmate.  
Nearby is a gallery which has a very informative floor telling stories of some of the people who put their lives at risk by hiding and helping Jews in Europe during the German "cleansing" period.  These heroes are to be honoured for their bravery and their risk-taking.  
Port Macquarie is to be recognised for the great work they have done in preserving memories and objects from the past.
Next stop was Wauchope and Timbertown about 25 km inland.  Quaint little village in the middle of a densely timbered area - plenty of utes and chainsaws here.
We then drove down south to Lake Cathie which is a short distance inland from the ocean.  This lake is very shallow, and is being dredged to try to keep the estuary open.  It is known for its proliferation of bird life.

Wander down to the waterfront to check out the dolphins, watch the fishermen and have a morning coffee in the 20 degree heat !

Or perhaps take a river cruise.

Why not mix with the locals ?

Or spend a part day with the sand dredge operator at Lake Cathie watching the bird life.

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