Monday, July 14, 2014

Horsham, Nhill, Mildura

We left Melbourne to escape the cold weather but have found that the weather in Horsham and Mildura is colder than Melbourne !!       -1 degree last night in Horsham and now 10 degrees in Mildura.
Caught up with Judy's friends in Horsham and saw Uncle Max and Aunty Loris in Nhill, both good experiences.
Then went to see Sheryl's new house in Coles Street, really nice especially with all the painting and decorating she is working on.  Was nice to see her again.
Now in Mildura, Judy wrapped in a doona and looking for the electric blanket (there isn't one), while I think about having a scotch.  It was below zero here last night as well.
Tomorrow we head for Broken Hill, it must be above zero there surely !! 

The new hanger at Nhill Aerodrome to house the rebuilding of the Avro Anson 

Uncle Max in front of the partly built plane.

Even the Murray looks cold and drab in this weather.

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