Saturday, July 19, 2014


Maximum temperature at Armidale was 3 degrees and overnight was -3 degrees.   We travelled through Tenterfield where we visited the Peter Allen memorial at the local  information centre (his first famous song was " Tenterfield Saddler" written for his grandfather who was a saddler in Tenterfield).  After Tenterfield we went through Lismore where the temperature went up to 20 degrees.  At last we were warm, hard to believe that it snowed that night only about 100 km from the Queensland border!
Last night we spent the night at our really nice apartment in Ballina, and today met up with Peter and Jenny at Byron Bay for a delicious seafood lunch.
They came back to stay the night and we are trying to beat them at backgammon - if we don't win a game they will not get fed so we had better improve in a hurry.  It is still too cold to even consider a T-shirt!!

Ice on the windscreen in the morning at Armidale

Memories of Peter Allen at Tenterfield museum.

Peter Allen's father and grandfather both owned and worked in the Saddler business.

Beach at the front of the apartment in Ballina on a windy and cold day.  Lovely view from our loungeroom.  We are looking for the migration of the whales - apparently 350 pass by each day.

A protest against American funding of Israel by the youth in Byron Bay.  Must have used their Govt allowance to make the signs !!!

More protestors.

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