Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Broken Hill

An easy drive today and a good tour around this mining city.  Also went out to the Royal Flying Doctor Service today and were surprised about the size of the operation and the area they covered, all of Australia except for a small section around Darwin.
Broken Hill has 4 Planes which cost 6 million each to buy and 2 million each to fit out.  No wonder they are struggling to make ends meet as the Government only fund 66% of the expenses.  The rest is funded from donations and fund raising around Australia and in many oversees countries.

They have four of these Beechcraft Aircraft ready to go at a moments notice.  They are on call 24 hours a day on shifts.  If landing at night, the owners of the properties where the landing strip has been built are asked to light a fire at the end of the strip and clear the cattle for a night time landing.

All planes are serviced here for the Broken Hill area.

This was the typical radio operator at the beginning.

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