Wednesday, July 16, 2014


The roads in this area of Australia are VERY straight for hundreds of km, and the terrain FLAT in all directions.  Fauna is mostly scrubland with an occasional eucalypt, and there is very little grass.  Red soil and rocks is the norm.  Along the route from Broken Hill to Cobar there were many kangaroos having "permanent sleeps" beside the road, and the animals eking out a life in this semi-desert were a few sheep, some emus, and literally thousands of wild feral goats.  The goats graze close to the edges of the road in packs, so a driver must take care to avoid an unexpected road crossing.  Venison on foot anyone???  We also saw a few dead wild pigs - presumably shot by hunters.
We stopped today for lunch at a gallery/cafe in Wilcannia on the Darling river, which proved to be a real find in no-mans land (home-made pumpkin soup, healthy sandwich, and very good coffee).
Along the way we saw some intriguing sights, particularly close to Wilcannia.  Low trees next to the road were decorated like Christmas trees with strange objects - one with many chairs, one with undies, one with bras, one with bottles, and one with T-shirts.  Intriguing as to who would be doing the decorating - a local custom or competition perhaps?
We are now in the mining town of Cobar which is not as "outback" as expected.  Main shopping strip is much like any larger country town, and our motel unit is good with heating (necessary!!) and a good bed and bathroom.  Nothing worth visiting other than a lookout from the water towers to see surrounding countryside exactly as we have travelled through today.

Darling River at Wilcannia

Statue of a miner at Cobar

Open copper mine at Cobar.  Cobar mines also extract gold, zinc and lead

The tunnel from the mine shown above

Tray of a huge mining dump truck which holds 200 tons of iron ore,on its way to Port Hedland

Another view of the tray of the dump truck

Huge beer can, erected in Cobar in 1990 which stands 5 metres tall

A well-preserved historic hotel in Cobar

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