Thursday, July 17, 2014


There is little to see between towns.  Not many cars on the road, with most traffic being trucks, caravans, or campers.  Highways are in good condition, and mostly very straight for up to 50 km at a time.  Today was even colder, reaching as low as 3 degrees for much of the trip. 

We were overtaking a very large RV that was towing a trailer.  On the trailer was a car and on a rack above was a fishing boat.  We were admiring this rig and slowly passing alongside when suddenly the lady washing the dishes decided to pull the plug in the sink.  We took the full blast and the car was covered with dirty dishwater.  

A welcoming sign for us coming into Tamworth

A view of Tamworth from a lookout nearby

View from our window at hotel in Armidale.  Wind is whistling around the door, and temp outside still only 5 degrees.  We are huddled inside wrapped in a blanket, waiting for the heater to warm the room.  So much for travelling north to avoid Melbourne's cold winter!!!

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